Dimitrios Gkintidis
The workshop “Agency in the time
of Structural Adjustment: Social perspectives on contemporary Greece” took
place on the 9th of May 2013 at the European Studies Centre. The
workshop was convened by Dimitrios Gkintidis in the context of the 2012/2013
A.G. Leventis Fellowship at SEESOX with the administrative support of Ms Julie
Adams. Its aim was to bring together social anthropologists working on different
ethnographic case studies in contemporary Greece, and at the same time to implicate
a wider audience from various disciplinary backgrounds.
After the introductory remarks
from Dimitrios Gkintidis (St Antony’s College, Oxford), Othon Anastasakis (St
Antony’s College, director of SEESOX and the ESC, Oxford) welcomed guests and
participants and emphasized the importance of a nuanced and multileveled
understanding of social processes in Greece within the recent conjuncture of the
debt crisis and policies of Structural Adjustment.
The first session consisted of
Renee Hirschon’s (St Peter’s College, Oxford) opening speech, chaired by Kostas
Skordyles (Modern Languages Department, University of Oxford). Building on a
decades-long ethnographic experience in contemporary Greece, Renee Hirschon
provided with an insightful overview of a series of cultural features that
pervade practices and discourses in Greece. These include particular perceptions
of time, personality, and autonomy. Through examples such as name days,
punctuality (and the lack of it), and defiance to hierarchy, Renee Hirschon
sketched a holistic account of Greek culture. This intriguing opening speech
entailed a heated discussion, revolving around the class, spatial, and temporal
variations of these cultural features, their dynamics within Greece or the
“West”, as well as the wider questioning of the heuristic potential of holistic
The second session, titled
“Collective Action and Social Agency”, consisted of the presentations of
Georgios Agelopoulos (University of Macedonia) and Dimitris Dalakoglou
(University of Sussex), discussed by Olga Onuch (Nuffield College, Oxford), and
chaired by Carolina Kobelinsky (St Antony’s College, Oxford). Georgios
Agelopoulos’s presentation focused on citizens’ initiatives in suburban areas
of Thessaloniki, and namely new practices of production and exchange arising in
complementarity with (or as a transformation of) protest politics. Dimitris
Dalakoglou’s presentation spoke of the spatial reconfiguration of the centre of
Athens, during the last 20 years, and the relevance of these changes with
political and ideological processes, both on a grassroots level as well as
within the field of power. Olga Onuch raised the issue of the extent to which
current citizens’ initiatives in Greece differ radically from previous forms of
organization (e.g. the old cooperative movement), while also pointing out the
political modelling of public space in other historical conjunctures and
geographical settings. A large part of the following discussion was focused on
the political dynamics of these processes, both in regards to the Greek
government and its fragile legitimacy among large disenfranchised parts of
urban populations, as well as in regards to new emerging political powers and
The third session, titled “National
Imaginary, Global Realities”, had a focus on the complex interplay of local
discourses, national representations, and supranational economic and political
realities –that have become more than evident in the case of Greece with the
direct involvement of the EU, the ECB, and the IMF in the restructuring of
Greek economy and the austerity policies of “internal devaluation”. Drawing
from ethnographic examples in provincial Greece, Daniel Knight (LSE) and
Dimitrios Gkintidis (St Antony’s College, Oxford) spoke of the perceptions of
prosperity and poverty in the regions of Trikala and Evros respectively, as
well as of the symbolic points of reference through which the crisis is
understood –namely a nationally mediated collective memory, but with
interesting regional and class differentiations. The session was chaired by
Roulla Kaminara (St Antony’s College, Oxford), while Kerem Ӧktem (St Antony's
College, Oxford) took part in the panel as a discussant. His comments focused
on the ways that the crisis has induced a blow to the ontological certainties
of Greek nationalism, in contrast to the perceived past dominance of Greek
economy; in fact, interesting comparisons were drawn during the discussion, not
only between the two ethnographic case studies, but also in regards to
neighbouring countries in the South Eastern European periphery –namely Turkey,
which seems to be going through its own period of national self-confidence.
The fourth session of the
workshop consisted of Dimitris Papanikolaou (St Cross College, Oxford) drawing
on the previous presentations and discussions and outlining a set of stakes
pervading the current crisis: the anxiety of modernization/westernization
reframed in terms of a failure, the body and affect in the time of decaying
certainties, familiar and familial metaphors of the crisis, and the
disenchantment of post-national narratives. Moreover, this presentation also
pointed out the ambivalent positioning of Greek Studies within the current
conjuncture: from a precarious and gradually marginalized academic field during
the previous two decades, the economic crisis has brought Greek Studies
scholars and their work back within the centre of much attention –not only
scholar. The open discussion that followed indeed made clear that the awareness
of this positioning also entails specific responsibilities and roles to be
assumed. If the crisis is to be thought in terms of a rupture, with both
liberating and regressing prospects, the academia and its politics will soon have
to make their own difficult choices.
Visit the Agency in Greece website
Visit the Agency in Greece website
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